8:00 pm |
8:30 pm |
9:00 pm |
9:30 pm |
10:00 pm |
10:30 pm |
 ABC |
I See Dead People
- Rating: 4.2
- Share: 7
- Viewers: 6.1
- Rating: 9.8
- Share: 14
- Viewers: 16.3
Round Up
- Rating: 5
- Share: 8
- Viewers: 7.7
 Bravo |
 CBS |
I Think This Monkey Likes Me
- Rating: 5.4
- Share: 9
- Viewers: 8.4
The Fisher King (Part 1 of 2)
- Rating: 8.4
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 12.7
- Rating: 9.9
- Share: 16
- Viewers: 15.2
 Comedy Central |
Episode 208
CourtTV |
 Discovery |
Exploding Pants
Future Shock
 Fox |
The Soldier on the Grave
- Rating: 6
- Share: 10
- Viewers: 9.5
- Rating: 16.1
- Share: 24
- Viewers: 27.9
- Rating: 8.3
- Share: 12
- Viewers: 14.2
i |
Concrete Evidence (Repeat)
Complicated (Repeat)
(hang-gliding accident in Colorado; a vehicle's brakes fail; firefighter saves kitten.) (Repeat)
 MTV |
 NBC |
- Rating: 9.5
- Share: 15
- Viewers: 15.5
To Catch a Predator
- Rating: 6.9
- Share: 10
- Viewers: 10.3
- Rating: 8.7
- Share: 14
- Viewers: 12.7
Sci Fi |
Domani's Restaurant (NJ); Old Jail (St. Augustine, FL)
 style |
Kathy Griffin
 TNT |
MIAMI HEAT 111, New Jersey Nets 89
 TVG |
 UPN |
The Girls Go to Phuket
- Rating: 3.4
- Share: 5
- Viewers: 4.8
Party Over Here...; ...Ain't Nothing Over There (Repeat)
- Rating: 1.7
- Share: 2
- Viewers: 2.3
 WB |
Risky Business
- Rating: 0.8
- Share: 1
- Viewers: 1.1
Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
- Rating: 0.8
- Share: 1
- Viewers: 0.9