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EXCLUSIVE Interview with Kirsten Prout of MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16: PART 3 w/ Photos, Videos & Links

Mike Vicic - March 12, 2012




Kirsten Prout, who plays Alex in the MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16 movies, took some time out of her busy schedule to talk with TV Tango. The engaging and effervescent Prout dished about making #superpsycho3, revealed details about life on the set of #superpsycho3, relived the low point of her cooking career, and pondered what's next for Char on THE LYING GAME. 



Tomorrow night, MTV presents the world premiere of MY SUPER PSYCHO SWEET 16: PART 3, airing Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 10pm ET/PT. If you want to win the chance to attend the MTV Movie Awards with Kirsten Prout and Lauren McKnight, then check out the official MSPS16 Facebook page for details.


TV Tango: When you finished filming Part 2, did you know there would be a Part 3 and that you would be involved?

Kirsten Prout: Well, I definitely hoped for it. Obviously, in this industry, there are no guarantees, but I was so looking forward to the possibility of perhaps doing a third.


When you watch the second film, towards the end, you can see that there's something going on with that. Like with any franchise, you kind of feel it out as you go. I think they were hoping they would get great feedback to do a number three, but when we actually did, it's always a pleasant outcome.


When I got that script, I can't even tell you how excited I was. It was definitely thrilling for me to know that I'd be coming back because I love the character and I love working on the show so much.

TV Tango: So I've heard his one called the final of the trilogy. Is that true?

Kirsten Prout: The party ends here. [laughing about the film's tagline] I hope it's not, but that's the way we're putting it.


It does definitely leave room at the end of the third for more. I think with any of them, we kind of hope the reaction is great and we kind of take it from there.


If it were to end at the third, I think people would be happy. But if it didn't, it would still make sense.

TV Tango: You once described Part 2 as a film that has "that John Hughes feeling, but it's also got that HALLOWEEN vibe." Would you describe Part 3 the same way or differently?

Kirsten Prout: I would say differently. As the trilogy has gone on, it's gotten darker and darker. By this point, it's basically Skye overcoming the final hurdle.


We still have that very human feeling. [Director] Jacob [Gentry] always ensures that his whole cast has great chemistry and that we work really hard on giving it that truth -- that John Hughesque truth to it, that coming of age.

This is more that Skye is ready to move on with her life, and people in her past aren't. It's more making sure she can finally move on -- with all the baggage. That's what this film is really about -- wanting to move on into an adult world and let the darkness of your past go. That's what Skye is setting out to do. Not so much Alex.

TV Tango: Given Skye's past, why would Alex let someone throw her a sweet 16 party? And who planned it?

Kirsten Prout: [Adeptly avoiding spoilers] Let's just say that it's not an anticipated sweet 16.

TV Tango: When Alex sees Skye for the first time, what's her reaction?

Kirsten Prout: I think it's surreal for the audience because you're expecting something very dark, but you kind of have that Alex-is-on-autopilot kind of feel.


That was really fun to play, Jacob and I sat down before the film started and thought about how we were going to give Alex a chilling-but-realistic transition from what happened to her. Throughout the third film, we worked on keeping the suspense there and keeping the mystery there, but giving the audience hints what might actually be going on inside Alex's head.

TV Tango: Can we assume Alex is still repressing feelings?

Kirsten Prout: Yes. [laughing] I would say that.

TV Tango: What can you tell us about Ryan Sypek's character, Nathan?

Kirsten Prout: Well, I can tell you that Ryan, as a person, was wonderful to work with. An incredible actor. He did an amazing job playing the psycho of the film and stepping into that bad-guy role.


I love that moment in the trailer when he goes "I'm not a psycho. I promise," because you know from that point on there's something not right about his character.


He did an amazing job. In the film, I think the audience is going to be kept guessing about him. Jacob and Ryan did an amazing job trying to figure out that character, and make it interesting for the audience to see that progression of him becoming more and more super psycho-esque.

TV Tango: Is your character, Alex, attracted to Nathan?

Kirsten Prout: [long pause] I would say that there's definitely some history between Alex and Nathan. You can't exactly tell what at the beginning of the film, but there's something going on there. Whether that be love or hate, we don't know. [laughing]

TV Tango: MTV released a photo of you in the woods carrying what looks like a big stick. What was it like filming that scene?

Kirsten Prout: Well, that's actually a sickle -- a huge farming scythe. And that was interesting to carry around the woods at four in the morning, because it made me feel a little crazy. [laughing]


That was great. Doing weapon work always keeps you on your toes. Obviously, you have to be very careful and safe about it, but it lends to this feeling of power as an actor. When you're carrying a massive weapon through a scene, you can't help but definitely play it in a different way than if you were just walking around with a basket of cookies. [laughing]

Both [co-star] Lauren [McKnight] and I have a martial-arts background and love action, so we had a lot of fun doing that.


Before this film, all I ever handled were smaller weapons, like scythes and chains. Learning how to handle a massive sickle is different than a tiny little scythe in your hand; so we worked with the stunt coordinator very closely. He was incredibly diligent about rehearsing, rehearsing and rehearsing. We just really spent a lot of time learning how the weapon worked.


It was really heavy. Luckily, I was actually able to hold it with my upper-body strength. We had two versions. We can't actually swing a real blade two inches from someone's face; so one of them was really light. The real one was heavy. I woke up the next morning, and I was stiff from carrying it around in the scene.

TV Tango: What's your favorite scene from the film?

Kirsten Prout: I think my favorite scene to film was the climax scene towards the end. I believe in the trailer, there's a clip of us running towards each other in a clearing with rain pouring down. I think that scene will be very striking on film.


To film it was a huge challenge for Lauren and me. Lauren was a total trooper. She pulled a couple muscles in her leg because we were fighting tooth-and-nail in the mud at 4 o'clock in the morning, shooting that scene. It was one of the hardest scenes to film, but will be one of the more rewarding scenes in the film to actually see.

TV Tango: What did the cast do to welcome new cast member Jillian Rose Reed [who plays Sienna]?

Kirsten Prout: The wonderful Jillian. I believe that Lauren and Jillian have a crippling addiction to Olive Garden breadsticks, and I think that was a point of bonding. [laughing. And, no, they don't know Marilyn Hagerty.]


In all seriousness, we're very welcoming. In the second movie, I was embraced just as whole-heartedly as Jillian was embraced in the third. We just had a lot of fun, rehearsing scenes together and getting to know her personality, because she's one of the more genuine and interesting people I have ever met. We were really lucky to have her come on the film, because not only is she tremendously talented, but she's incredibly sweet and a joy to work with.

TV Tango: Besides Olive Garden breadsticks, how did you and Lauren bond with her?

Kirsten Prout: We're pretty average girls. We weren't going to Louis Vuitton; we were going to TJ Maxx. We were sneaking around, doing ridiculously nerdy things, and watching movies together. There really was nothing dramatic or crazy, but we had a good time because all three of us come from strong family backgrounds. We  just had a really good time hanging out together, like normal teenage girls.

TV Tango: Who was the practical joker on set?

Kirsten Prout: Well, Niko [Pepaj, who portrays Nico] was kind of the practical jokester. Niko was named Nico. In the first draft of the script, his name was Grant. He was so hilarious that the writers and director loved his style of humor so much that they actually changed his character name to his real name.


He was definitely the joker. Niko can, in the most tense situations, make everybody cry with laughter.

There was one point where he had to slam his face into a cupcake in the middle of a scene, and I think they put a really stale cupcake there. He had his head down and there was a moment of force, but the cupcake wasn't going down all the way because it was so stale. It wasn't like going into something soft. It didn't give right away, but he kept his head down. He was great. He stayed in character the whole time, and afterwards he was like, "Who put this cupcake down?!?" because he had been such a joker with everybody else.


TV Tango: What was his best prank?

Kirsten Prout: His best prank? As far as actual gags on set, I don't think there were any huge ones..


But he would tell you a really long and elaborate story, and at the end of it he would use his character's trademark line, "I'm just playin'." He literally had us going all the time. We didn't know what was Niko and what was Niko's character, Nico.

TV Tango: You filmed both Parts 2 and 3 in Atlanta. What will you miss most about filming there?

Kirsten Prout: I love Atlanta, and I definitely miss the crews. When you get a city like Atlanta that has such talented crews -- it's an industry that's competitive there. When it comes to crews, you get the best of the best. It's survival of the fittest. I was really privileged to be working with the crew we were working with.


Obviously -- maybe it's not obvious, but I might've said this before -- I love, love Georgia. It's really great that Atlanta's such a fun city that has surrounding country areas that are really beautiful to drive through as well.


I definitely miss Atlanta for more reasons than one.

TV Tango: What's your favorite slasher film of all time?

Kirsten Prout: This is an interesting question, because I love movies about exorcism and psychological thrillers. But slasher films...I would have to say HALLOWEEN is great. That stalking-killer thing, not necessarily slasher. I don't have a really stunning, obscure response with a really impressive cult movie. [laughing]


TV Tango: OK, then what's your favorite exorcism flick?

Kirsten Prout: Recently, I watched THE LAST EXORCISM. I am not kidding, but I literally was trying to hide under the couch. It was terrifying to me. THE LAST EXORCISM is the latest horror movie that actually scared me, because that doesn't happen very often. I keep talking to people about it; it's kind of an undiscovered gem.

TV Tango: Will Char be back for Season 2 of THE LYING GAME?

Kirsten Prout: It depends if THE LYING GAME even comes back for Season 2, which I hope it does. I'm kind of hoping that Char can come back as the bad guy. She can come back being through something abroad. As for concrete word, nobody knows at this point [as of March 7, 2012] and it's all up in the air. [Rumor has it the show might start filming late May or early June.]

TV Tango: Earlier this year, you tweeted about the "Official Salmon Incident of 2012". Can you give us any details?

Kirsten Prout: Oh, no. No. That was terrible. "The Epic Salmon Meltdown" when I was visiting my boyfriend's family.


I would definitely say that I'm a very strong cook. My mom is just a demon in the kitchen, and she can make anything. Just an authentic, Italian superstar. And I kind of learned from the best; so I consider myself to be a good cook.

So I had this dish I was going to make -- it was miso black cod. The ingredients were a little obscure. I went out to get them, and my boyfriend's parents live in a small town; so while I was looking, I couldn't find anything I wanted. I was running out of time, and I kind of had to improvise; so I just got some salmon, some peppers. It was really going to be nothing special, right?


The salmon, it turns out, also wasn't that great. I ended up putting them in the oven. It took too long; it was taking forever to cook through. We put it out on the table, and I opened it up and it was terrible. I was so embarrassed. I should've just said, "I'm so sorry this didn't turn out," but I didn't.


I literally had to watch my boyfriend's parents pretend to really enjoy my salmon. And they were total troopers about it, saying "Oh, this is just great! Thank you so much. This is so good." They had great poker faces. If I didn't know how terrible the cooking was -- because I'm a total foodie -- I would've been completely convinced. So polite.


I was going to give them the Oscar. They were incredible. And I'm just sitting there dying. I'm so bright red, literally wanting to disappear. I didn't know what to do.


I go upstairs after dinner. My boyfriend walks in the room, and I am just hysterically crying. He's trying not to laugh at me, because dinner was so disastrous -- and he knows I can cook. But this is the first time his parents have eaten what I've cooked; so I'm sitting there sobbing like, "Your parents think I'm a terrible cook. This has all gone wrong. And the salmon, it was so bad."


He goes, "Oh, hon, it wasn't so bad."


I said, "Yes, it was," and he goes, "Yeah, it was." He was trying to keep a straight face.


The moral of the story is: Don't improvise your recipes. Ever. I had never done that before, and I was panicking.


I'll have to redeem myself at some point. You know what? I'm going to have to prove myself on some cooking show now, because I can cook. I was under a lot of pressure with a grocery store with really old salmon and the whole situation. The odds were definitely against me on that one.


I'm sure they're going to read this and laugh now, "Thank God, she knew."

TV Tango: What TV shows on your DVR right now?

Kirsten Prout: CELEBRITY APPRENTICE. I hate to say this, because I'm an actor and we're not supposed to love reality TV. I can't stop with the CELEBRITY APPRENTICE.


It's not on my DVR right now, but I've always watched DEXTER. I absolutely love DEXTER.


I've been watching THE RIVER lately, but I don't really understand why they didn't sit down and watch all the tapes before they went out. It's just a minor story flaw that's been kind of bothering me.

I watch BONES every once in a while, but not so much anymore. I kind of petered out, and my schedule got really busy during one of the seasons. I've been holding out catching up.

The Official Movie Trailer

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