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That '80s Show

Episode List: That '80s Show

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Date  (↑) Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
01/23/2002 01-001  Pilot  Fox  7.1  11  11.4 
01/30/2002 01-002  Valentine's Day  Fox  5.4 
02/06/2002 01-003  Tuesday Comes Over  Fox  7.9 
02/13/2002 01-004  Corey's Remix  Fox  4.3  6.9 
02/20/2002 01-005  My Dead Friend  Fox  4.2  6.7 
03/06/2002 01-006  Spring Break '84  Fox  4.5  7.4 
03/27/2002 01-007  Katie's Birthday  Fox  3.7 
04/03/2002 01-008  After the Kiss  Fox  3.8  5.7 
04/10/2002 01-009  Double Date  Fox  3.3  5.4 
04/17/2002 01-010  Punk Club  Fox  3.3  5.3 
04/24/2002 01-011  Road Trip  Fox  3.3  4.9 
05/07/2002 01-012  Beach Party  Fox  4.3  6.7 
05/29/2002 01-013  Sophia's Depressed  Fox  3.4  5.1