Syfy Saturday Original Movie
Syfy Saturday Original Movie

- Network: Sci Fi
- Category: Series
- Genre: Movies
- Type: Live Action
- Concept:
- Subject Matter: Science Fiction
- Tags: horror, natural disaster, supernatural, fantasy
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100 Feet (2009)
100 Million BC (2008)
A.I. Assault (2006)
Abominable (2006)
Absolon (2003)
Age of the Dragons (2011)
Age of the Dragons (2011) [Blu-ray]
Aladdin and the Death Lamp (2012)
Alien Apocalypse (2005)
Alien Hunter (2003)
Alien Lockdown (2004)
Alien Siege (2005)
Almighty Thor (2011)
Almighty Thor (2011) [Blu-ray]
American Battleship
Anaconda 3: Offspring (2008)
Anacondas: Trail of Blood (2009)
Android Apocalypse (2006)
Antibody (2003)
Area 51 (2011)
Attack of the Sabretooth (2005)
Ba'al: The Storm God (2008)
Bats: Human Harvest (2007)
Battle of Los Angeles
Battle of Los Angeles (2011)
Battle of Los Angeles [Blu-ray]
Battle Planet (2008)
Beauty and the Beast: A Dark Tale (2010)
Behemoth (2011)
Beyond Loch Ness (2008)
Beyond Re-Animator (2003)
Beyond Sherwood Forest (2009)
Big Ass Spider! (2014)
Bigfoot (2012)
Bigfoot (2012) [Blu-ray]
Black Swarm (2008)
Blood Monkey (2008)
Bloodsuckers (2005)
Boa vs. Python (2004)
Book of Blood (2009)
Bugs (2003)
Carny (2009)
Caved In: Prehistoric Terror (2006)
Cerberus (2005)
Children of the Corn (2009)
Chupacabra vs. The Alamo (2013)
Chupacabra: Dark Seas (2005)
Collision Earth (2012)
Collision Earth (2012) [Blu-ray]
Control Factor (2003)
Crimson Force (2005)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2003)
Curse of The Komodo (2004)
Cyclops (2008)
Dark Waters (2004)
Darklight (2004)
Dead and Deader (2006)
Deathlands (2003)
Decoys (2004)
Deep Shock (2003)
Descent (2005)
Dinocroc (2004)
Dinocroc vs. Supergator (2010)
Dinocroc vs. Supergator (2010) [Blu-ray]
Dinoshark (2010)
Dinoshark [Blu-ray]
Disaster Zone: Volcano in NY (2006)
Do or Die (2003)
Doomsday Prophecy (2011)
Dragon Fighter (2003)
Dragon Storm (2004)
Dragon Sword (2006)
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God (2005)
Earth's Final Hours (2011)
Earth's Final Hours (2011) [Blu-ray]
Earthstorm (2007)
Encrypt (2003)
Epoch: Evolution (2003)
Ferocious Planet (2011)
Ferocious Planet (2011)
Fire & Ice: The Dragon Chronicles (2008)
Fire From Below (2009)
Fire Serpent (2007)
Flu Bird Horror (2008)
Frankenfish (2004)
Gargoyles: Wings of Darkness (2004)
Ghost Storm (2012)
Ghouls (2008)
Goblin (2010)
Gryphon (2007)
Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy (2005)
Haunted Prison (2006)
Headless Horseman (2007)
Hellhounds (2009)
High Plains Invaders (2009)
Highlander: The Source (2007)
House of Bones (2010)
House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim (2006)
Hybrid (2008)
Hydra (2009)
Ice Quake
Ice Road Terror (2011)
Ice Spiders (2007)
Ice Twisters (2009)
Infected (2008)
Infestation (2009)
Interceptor Force 2 (2002)
Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Jersey Shore Shark Attack [Blu-ray]
Jules Verne's Mysterious Island (2012)
Kaw (2007)
Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep (2006)
Lake Placid 2 (2007)
Lake Placid 3 (2010)
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter
Larva (2005)
Living Hell (2008)
Locusts: The 8th Plague (2005)
Lost City Raiders (2008)
Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006)
Malibu Shark Attack (2009)
Mammoth (2006)
Man with the Screaming Brain (2005)
Man-Thing (2005)
Mandrake (2010)
Mansquito (2005)
Manticore (2005)
Mega 6 Pack: Maneater Series
Mega Piranha (2010)
Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (2011)
Mega Snake (2007)
Megafault (2009)
Meteor Storm (2010)
Minotaur (2006)
Momentum (2003)
Mongolian Death Worm (2010)
Mothman (2010)
Mutant Chronicles (2009)
Never Cry Werewolf (2008)
NYC: Tornado Terror (2008)
Ogre (2008)
Out For Blood (2004)
Pegasus vs. Chimera (2012)
Phantom Racer (2009)
Polar Storm (2009)
Post Impact (2004)
Pterodactyl (2005)
Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud (2007)
Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes (2006)
Puppetmaster vs. Demonic Toys (2004)
Raptor Island (2004)
Red Faction: Origins (2011)
Red: Werewolf Hunter
Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis (2005)
Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to Grave (2005)
Rise of the Gargoyles (2009)
Rise of the Zombies (2013)
Rise of the Zombies (2013) [Blu-ray]
Roadkill (2011)
Sand Serpents (2009)
Sands of Oblivion (2007)
Sasquatch Mountain (2006)
Savage Planet (2006)
Scream of the Banshee (2011)
Sea Beast (2009)
Sharks in Venice (2008)
Sharktopus (2010)
Showdown at Area 51 (2007)
Sinbad and the Minotaur (2011)
Slayer (2006)
Slipstream (2005)
Snake King (2005)
Snakehead Terror (2004)
Snowmageddon (2011)
Snowmageddon (2011) [Blu-ray]
Species III (2004)
Species IV: The Awakening (2007)
Splinter (2009)
Stan Lee's Lightspeed (2006)
Stir of Echoes 2: The Homecoming (2007)
Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010)
Swamp Devil (2008)
Swamp Shark (2011)
Swamp Shark (2011) [Blu-ray]
Termination Point (2008)
The Black Hole (2006)
The Bone Eater (2008)
The Bone Snatcher (2003)
The Book of Beasts (2009)
The Fallen Ones (2005)
The Hive (2008)
The Lost Future (2010)
The Lost Future (2010) [Blu-ray]
The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
They Are Among Us (2004)
Threshold (2003)
Vipers (2008)
War Wolves (2009)
Warbirds (2008)
Webs (2003)
Witchslayer Gretl
Witchville (2010)
Witchville (2010) [Blu-ray]
Wolvesbayne (2009)
Wraiths of Roanoke (2007)
Wyvern (2009)
Yeti (2008)
Zombie Apocalypse (2011)
Zombie Apocalypse (2011) [Blu-ray]
Click icon to watch or own full episodes
Absolon (2003) Alien Apocalypse (2005) Alien Hunter (2003) Alien Lockdown (2004) Alien Siege (2005) Anaconda 3: Offspring (2008) Anacondas: Trail of Blood (2009) Android Apocalypse (2006) Antibody (2003) Ba'al: The Storm God (2008) Bats: Human Harvest (2007) Battle Planet (2008) Beyond Loch Ness (2008) Beyond Sherwood Forest (2009) Black Swarm (2008) Blood Monkey (2008) Boa vs. Python (2004) Carny (2009) Children of the Corn (2009) Crimson Force (2005) Dark Waters (2004) Darklight (2004) Dead and Deader (2006) Deep Shock (2003) Do or Die (2003) Dragon Storm (2004) Dragon Sword (2006) Earthstorm (2007) Encrypt (2003) Fire From Below (2009) Flu Bird Horror (2008) Frankenfish (2004) Ghouls (2008) Gryphon (2007) Haunted Prison (2006) Headless Horseman (2007) Highlander: The Source (2007) House of Bones (2010) Hybrid (2008) Ice Spiders (2007) Infected (2008) Interceptor Force 2 (2002) Kaw (2007) Lake Placid 3 (2010) Living Hell (2008) Man with the Screaming Brain (2005) Manticore (2005) Mega Piranha (2010) Mega Snake (2007) Mutant Chronicles (2009) Ogre (2008) Out For Blood (2004) Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud (2007) Puppetmaster vs. Demonic Toys (2004) Raptor Island (2004) Sands of Oblivion (2007) Sharks in Venice (2008) Showdown at Area 51 (2007) Slayer (2006) Snakehead Terror (2004) Species III (2004) Splinter (2009) Stan Lee's Lightspeed (2006) Stir of Echoes 2: The Homecoming (2007) Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010) Swamp Devil (2008) Termination Point (2008) The Bone Eater (2008) The Bone Snatcher (2003) The Book of Beasts (2009) The Fallen Ones (2005) The Hive (2008) Threshold (2003) Vipers (2008) Wolvesbayne (2009)
Plot Synopsis
Since 2002, Syfy -- then know as the Sci Fi Channel -- presents original sci-fi, fantasy, creature feature and horror films. Airing mostly on Saturday nights at 9pm with an occassional special presentation on Sundays, these two-hour movies have introduced viewers to barbaric beasts, unnerving natural disasters and new talent, while featuring pop-culture icons in unexpected roles. Plus, these movies revitalized the career of legendary producer Roger Corman, also known as the "King of B-Movies," allowing him to create creatures like Dinoshark, Sharktopus and Supergator. After showing mutated sharks, mosquito men, vengeful demon moths, pterodactyls, werewolves, dragons, and every natural -- and unnatural -- disaster known to man, Syfy celebrated its 200th original film when SCREAM OF THE BANSHEE aired on Saturday, March 26, 2011. To see the full list of Syfy Original Movies, click on the 'Episode List' link you'll see just above the 'Syfy Original Movies' image.