Fugitive at 17
Fugitive at 17
Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Saturday, June 30, 2012 | N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
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- Season: 2011-12
- Network: Lifetime
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Movies
- Subject Matter: Suspense/Thriller, Murder and Murder Mystery, Children/Teens
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Plot Synopsis
High-school student Holly Hamilton is a fearsomely independent 17-year-old girl who is always willing to help out the people she cares about by often using her expert computer hacking skills -- even if it means sometimes breaking the law. Against her better judgment, she agrees to attend a rave with her best friend, Blake. From the crowd, a mysterious older man attacks them both and Blake winds up dead from an overdose. But because of her past and the evidence they discover at the crime scene and in her purse, the police believe Holly is responsible for Blake's death. Now on the run with the cops on her trail, she makes it her mission to clear her name and find the man who murdered her best friend.
- Pierre David - Executive Producer
- Tom Berry - Executive Producer
- Josee Bernard - Executive Producer
- Neil Bregman - Executive Producer
- Stefan Wodoslawsky - Producer
- Curtis Crawford - Producer
- Donald M. Osborne - Producer
- Jim Donovan - Director
- David DeCrane - Writer
- Doug Howell - Writer
Production Company:
- On the Run Productions Inc., Capital Productions 5 (SV) Inc.
Production Type:
- Independent
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