Air Date | Rating | Share | Against the Competition |
Sunday, May 23, 1999 | 11.9 | 19 | 2 |
Monday, May 24, 1999 | 10 | 15 | 2 |
(Click any date to see TV listings for that day) |
- Season: 1998-99
- Network: ABC
- Genre: Drama
- Category: Miniseries
- Subject Matter: Biography, Historical Piece, Period Piece
- Based On: Memoirs of Cleopatra written by Margaret George
- Misc.: Based On Book/Play; 4 Hours
Plot Synopsis
Bassed on the novel ''Memoirs of Cleopatra'' by Margaret George. The 20-year-old Egyptian Queen, desperately trying to keep her country independent from Roman rule seduces Julius Caesar -the most powerful man in the world. After he is assassinated she takes up with Marc Antony. A great love affair blossoms and together they fight to save Egypt. When the battle is lost and Antony is killed, Cleo, in despair, takes her own life.
- Robert Halmi Sr. - Executive Producer
- Robert Halmi Jr. - Executive Producer
- Dyson Lovell - Producer
- Franc Roddam - Director
- Stephen Harrigan - Writer
- Anton Diether - Writer
Production Company:
- Hallmark Ent.
Production Type:
- Independent
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