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What's Eating You

What's Eating You

  • Premiered: 
    October 13, 2010
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: E!
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Reality
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Medical
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Plot Synopsis

WHAT'S EATING YOU documents how people begin the process of recovering from severe eating disorders with the help of trained medical professionals, highly experienced therapists and nutrition specialists. Each episode tells the stories of two patients, including their initial medical evaluations showing exactly what type of damage the disorder has done to their bodies. During their recovery, the program chronicles patients in their home lives, showing their roadblocks and successes along the way, and interviews family and friends who often have no idea their loved ones were suffering in secret.

Patients include: a woman who must put countless packets of artificial sweetener on anything she eats -- including burgers and salads; a woman who spends hours each day at different fast food restaurants, just to purge privately in single-person bathrooms around town; a young man who will chew and swallow an entire pack of gum instead of eating food to feel satiated; a young woman who will eat ant-covered food out of a trash can, only to then purge in whatever she can find; a young man for whom food is "dirty" and has a compulsion to wear rubber gloves before touching anything related to eating; a woman who drowns all of her food in gravy and has found other creative ways to eat around her gastric band; a young mother who wears layers of clothes in the scorching Phoenix sun to hide a body she feels is "sickly deformed" as a result of her pregnancies; a woman who was recently homeless and will drive 2.5 hours to purchase her comfort food -- white chalkboard chalk; and many more people who have an unhealthy relationship with food.

This series using the following experts: Dr. Julie T. Anne, a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder of A New Beginning, an Arizona outpatient treatment facility; Keri Glassman RD, a nationally recognized nutrition who is the founder of Nutritious Life, a nutrition practice based in New York City.; Brina Jergenson RD, a registered dietician and certified specialist in sports dietetics; Rachel Liger RD, a registered dietician and has served 10 years as the director of nutrition services at a residential eating disorder program for women; Dr. Camilla Mager, who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders in adolescents and adults; Dr. Jordana Mansbacher, a specialist in the treatment of eating disorders across the life span; Dr. Dale Prokupek, a board-certified internist and gastroenterologist who works closely with patients suffering from all types of eating disorders; Dr. Kenneth Redcross, a board-certified physician in internal medicine practicing in Manhattan's Physician Group, Inc.; Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified cardiologist who believes optimum health starts with Paleo nutrition, a chemical-free environment and high-quality supplements.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by 3 Ball Productions