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The Knights of Prosperity

Episode List: The Knights of Prosperity

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Date Episode #  (↓) Title Network Rating Share Viewers Watch/Purchase
01-012  Operation: Open the Safe         
08/08/2007 01-011  Operation: Steal the Safe  ABC  1.5  2.2 
08/08/2007 01-010  Operation: Rent Money  ABC  1.7  2.3 
02/28/2007 01-009  Operation: Oswald Montecristo  ABC  2.8  4.1 
02/21/2007 01-008  Operation: Panic Room  ABC  2.7  4.1 
02/14/2007 01-007  Operation: Save Esperanza  ABC  3.2  4.9 
02/07/2007 01-006  Operation: Caught on Tape  ABC  3.5  5.2 
01/31/2007 01-005  Operation: Ralph  ABC  3.2  5.1 
01/24/2007 01-004  Operation: Deliver the Case  ABC  2.4  3.6 
01/17/2007 01-003  Operation: Fighting Shape  ABC  2.6  3.8 
01/10/2007 01-002  Operation: Seduce Simone  ABC  3.3  5.2 
01/03/2007 01-001  Pilot  ABC  4.4  7.2