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Kingdom Hospital

Episode List: Kingdom Hospital

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share Viewers  (↑) Watch/Purchase
07/08/2004 01-013  Shoulda Stood in Bed  ABC  1.6  2.4 
07/01/2004 01-012  Seizure Day  ABC  1.8  2.6 
04/29/2004 01-010  Butterfingers  ABC  1.8  2.6 
06/24/2004 01-011  The Passion of Reverend Jimmy  ABC 
04/15/2004 01-008  Black Noise  ABC  2.3  3.5 
07/15/2004 01-014; 01-015  Finale (Part 1 of 2); Finale (Part 2 of 2)  ABC  2.5  3.7 
04/08/2004 01-007  The Young and the Headless  ABC  2.5  3.7 
04/22/2004 01-009  Heartless  ABC  2.6  3.8 
03/31/2004 01-006  Hook's Kingdom  ABC  3.5  5.1 
03/24/2004 01-005  The West Side of Midnight  ABC  3.8  5.4 
03/17/2004 01-004  Goodbye Kiss  ABC  4.9  7.1 
03/10/2004 01-003  Death's Kingdom  ABC  5.7  10  8.5 
03/03/2004 01-001; 01-002  The Kingdom Come (Part 1 of 2); The Kingdom Come (Part 2 of 2)  ABC  8.7  14  14.1