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Episode List: Eve

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Date Episode # Title Network Rating Share  (↓) Viewers Watch/Purchase
04/27/2006 03-020  Donovan on the Brink  UPN  1.2  1.8 
05/04/2006 03-021  Daddy's Home  UPN  1.4  2.1 
04/20/2006 03-019  Girlfriends  UPN  1.5  2.3 
04/13/2006 03-018  Separate But Unequal  UPN  1.3  1.7 
03/23/2006 03-017  To Sir, with Mom  UPN  1.6  2.3 
03/02/2006 03-016  Rules of Engagement  UPN  1.5  2.2 
02/16/2006 03-015  Oh Brother  UPN  1.7  2.5 
02/09/2006 03-014  Mo' Money, Mo' Problems  UPN  1.7  2.4 
02/02/2006 03-013  Diva Day Care  UPN  1.4 
01/19/2006 03-012  Banishing Acts  UPN  1.5 
02/22/2005 02-015  If the Shrew Fits  UPN  1.6  2.3 
11/24/2005 03-010  Marty in the Middle  UPN  1.2  1.8 
05/03/2005 02-020  Resident Aliens  UPN  1.6  2.3 
05/11/2006 03-022  Daughter Don't Preach  UPN  1.3  1.8 
12/14/2004 02-010  Dateless in Miami  UPN      3.2