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Peter Gunn

Awards: Peter Gunn

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Award Year  (↓) Category Nominee / Winner Person
TV Land Award  2004  Favorite Instrumental Theme Song  Nominee   
TV Guide's All Time Greatest/Worst Lists  2002  50 Greatest TV Theme Songs (1958)  Winner   
Emmy Award  1959  Best Writing in a Drama Series  Nominee  Blake Edwards 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Craig Stevens 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Direction, Drama Series  Nominee  Blake Edwards 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Dramatic Series  Nominee   
Emmy Award  1959  Best Musical Contribution to a Television Program  Nominee  Henry Mancini 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series  Nominee  Herschel Bernardi 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Lola Albright 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series  Nominee  Hope Emerson 
Emmy Award  1959  Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series  Winner  Barbara Hale