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Land of the Giants

Awards: Land of the Giants

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Award Year  (↓) Category Nominee / Winner Person
Saturn Award  2008  Best DVD Retro Television Release  Nominee   
Animal Planet  2004  50 Greatest TV Animals (#44)  Winner  Chipper, the dog 
PATSY Award  1970  Best Animal Actor in a TV Series  Nominee  Chipper, the dog 
PATSY Award  1970  Best Individual Performance by an Animal Actor on TV  Nominee  Babe, the raven 
PATSY Award  1970  Best Individual Performance by an Animal Actor on TV  Nominee  Candy, the chimp 
Emmy Award  1970  Outstanding Sound Editing  Nominee   
PATSY Award  1969  Best Animal Actor in a TV Series  Nominee   
Emmy Award  1969  Outstanding Cinematography  Nominee  Howard Schwartz