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The Flying Nun

Awards: The Flying Nun

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Award Year  (↓) Category Nominee / Winner Person
TV Land Award  2005  Airborne Character(s)  Winner  Sally Field 
TV Guide's All Time Greatest/Worst Lists  2005  100 Most Unexpected TV Moments (#92)  Winner   
TV Land Award  2004  Favorite “Fish Out of Water”  Nominee  Sister Bertrille 
TV Land Award  2004  Favorite Fashion Plate, Male  Nominee  Carlos Ramirez 
TV Guide's All Time Greatest/Worst Lists  2002  50 Worst TV Shows (#42)  Winner   
PATSY Award  1970  Best Individual Performance by an Animal Actor on TV  Nominee  Debby, the chimp 
Emmy Award  1968  Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series  Nominee  Marge Redmond 
Television Champion Award  1967  Most Unique New Program  Winner