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The Beauty Queen Killer: 9 Days of Terror

The Beauty Queen Killer: 9 Days of Terror

  • Premiered: 
    May 16, 2024
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Hulu
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Crime
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    Season 1

Plot Synopsis

THE BEAUTY QUEEN KILLER: 9 DAYS OF TERROR is a three-part true-crime documentary that delves into the harrowing stories of the women who survived rampaging killer Christopher Wilder. Over 47 days in 1984, Wilder unleashed shocking violence on young women who were often aspiring models, earning him the moniker "The Beauty Queen Killer." This series weaves the stories of Wilder's victims with those of the survivors of his violence, including Tina Marie Risico, who at 16 years old was kidnapped by Wilder from a California mall. Now, 40 years after her abduction, Risico speaks out for the first time in decades, sharing what she says are details of surviving nine hellish days with Wilder, enduring unimaginable torture and terror before being forced to bear witness to her captor's brutal crimes. Risico recounts how Wilder forced her to help him abduct another teenage girl; meanwhile, the FBI links Wilder to the deaths and disappearances of at least nine other women nationwide, sparking the largest FBI search in history at the time. As authorities close in, Wilder flees with kidnapped Risico, culminating in a final murder before releasing Risico after nine violent days as his captive. Under shocking circumstances, Risico survived, and while many welcomed her home, some questioned her innocence -- and what she says are the difficult choices she was forced to make to survive her time in captivity. The three-parter shows the profound courage of Risico and the other women who survived Wilder and the lasting impact of one man's reign of terror. The new docuseries brings viewers along on Wilder's chilling rampage through exclusive archival footage and intimate access to Risico and those closest to her. The series also features commentary from law enforcement tied to the case and grieving family members and exclusive interviews with women who previously crossed Wilder's path, many of whom are sharing their harrowing encounters on camera for the first time. All three episodes of THE BEAUTY QUEEN KILLER: 9 DAYS OF TERROR dropped on Thursday, May 16, 2024 on Hulu.

Production & Distribution

  • Produced by 101 Studios
  • Produced by AMPLE Entertainment


  • - California USA