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Alert: Missing Persons Unit

Alert: Missing Persons Unit

  • Premiered: 
    January 8, 2023
    (Click date to see TV listings for that day)

  • Network: Fox
  • Category: Series
  • Genre: Drama
  • Type: Live Action
  • Concept: 
  • Subject Matter: Police
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Plot Synopsis

Executive produced by Jamie Foxx and showrunner/writer John Eisendrath, ALERT: MISSING PERSONS UNIT is a one-hour drama series about the Philadelphia Police Department's Missing Persons Unit (MPU). The unit is headed by Nikki Batista who recruits her ex-husband Jason Grant to work together at the MPU, when Jason receives a possible proof of life photo that their own missing son Keith is very much alive, after disappearing six years earlier. At the MPU, Grant and Batista work alongside a team of highly skilled individuals including Batista's current love interest Mike Sherman; Kemi Adebayo who is proficient in many languages, highly discerning of visual clues, and uses her know-how as a shaman to take a holistic approach to her job; and forensic anthropologist Chemingway, who is a master at reconstructing the faces of those who have disappeared. Together, the team works to find the missing, abducted, or kidnapped, and help reunite them with their loved ones before it's too late. On Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 8pm ET/5pm PT (after the NFL on FOX), ALERT premiered on FOX, followed by its time-period premiere the next day (Monday, January 9, 2023) at 9pm ET/PT. In the series premiere, "Chloe," The MPU investigates the abduction of a young child, whose abduction is likely revenge related to her father's work. Then, in the second episode, "Hugo," Jason, Nikki and the MPU team investigate when a woman runs down a man and forces him to get in her car at gunpoint. Meanwhile, more information about Keith's kidnapper comes to light.

Season 2 of ALERT: MISSING PERSONS UNIT debuted on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 9pm ET/PT on FOX. In the season opener, "Bus 447," the MPU moves into new offices, which comes with new boss Inspector Hollis Braun (guest star Gil Bellows), and a call comes in reporting the disappearance of an entire city bus full of students on a field trip. The team utilizes a father who tried to stop the kidnapping, as Jason reaches out to an old colleague, Wayne Pascal (Alisha-Marie Ahamed), for assistance in the search.
On Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 9pm ET/PT, FOX premiered "Federal Prisoner #07198F-068P," the Season 2 finale of ALERT: MISSING PERSONS UNIT. When Wayne goes missing on the day of Nikki & Mike's wedding, the joyous festivities are put on hold as Jason and the MPU race to locate her and finally bring down Inspector Braun and his connection to the car bombing murders. Guest Cast: Fivel Stewart as Sidney Grant; Petey Gibson as C Hemingway; Gil Bellows as Hollis Braun; Diana Bang as Helen Gale; Giles Panton as Emerson Braun; Kenneth Wyse as Hot Canary; Katrina Reynolds as Ronnie; and Taye Diggs.

ALERT: MISSING PERSONS UNIT has been renewed for a third season.


Production & Distribution

  • Produced by Sony Pictures Television
  • Produced by FOX Entertainment


  • - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Births, Deaths & Weddings

  • February 27, 2023: Keith/Lucas Hadley dies