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7:00 pm 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm

(A boy does a cannonball into a water tank; basketball trick shots; Tom's home movies; a driver drives through a store window
  • Rating: 5.5
  • Share: 9
  • Viewers: 9.6
Arena Family (Repeat)
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Share: 11
  • Viewers: 12.8
Nice She Ain't
  • Rating: 12.4
  • Share: 18
  • Viewers: 19.7
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Date Night
  • Rating: 8.2
  • Share: 13
  • Viewers: 11.9
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Cartoon Network

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  • Rating: 8.2
  • Share: 14
  • Viewers: 11.9
Maybe Steven Segal Will See Me and Want Me to Be in One of His Movies
  • Rating: 6.7
  • Share: 10
  • Viewers: 10.9
Saving Sammy
  • Rating: 9.3
  • Share: 14
  • Viewers: 14.8
The Damage Done
  • Rating: 9.5
  • Share: 16
  • Viewers: 14.8

Arrow (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.2
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 1.8
Don't Ax, Don't Tell
  • Rating: 2.2
  • Share: 3
  • Viewers: 3.3
The Girl Who Punk'd Ashton (Repeat)
  • Rating: 1.3
  • Share: 2
  • Viewers: 1.9


Australia Revealed
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  • Rating: 13
  • Share: 24
  • Rating: 8.3
  • Share: 14
  • Viewers: 12.6
  • Rating: 9.4
  • Share: 15
  • Viewers: 14.6
DETROIT TIGERS 3, St. Louis Cardinals 1
  • Rating: 11.6
  • Share: 18
  • Viewers: 18.16


Kelly Slater; Tom Servais; Nev Hyman
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Satriani: Live!

The January Man (1989)
Toy Soldiers (1991)

Sudan (Part 2 of 3)
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Capitalism Rules
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Week 7 (Part 1 of 2)
Week 7 (Part 2 of 2)
  • Rating: 2.4
  • Share: 4
  • Viewers: 3.6
Don't Look Back (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.6
  • Share: 6
  • Viewers: 5.8
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One Giant Leap (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.4
  • Share: 5
  • Viewers: 5.6
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Collision (Repeat)
  • Rating: 3.7
  • Share: 6
  • Viewers: 5.7
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Let's Give the Boy a Hand
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Monks and Men


Round One: Ray Lampe vs. Ed Maurin & Lee Ann Whippen


The Big Move
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El Gringo Loco
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Waverly Hills Sanatorium with: Gary Busey; Hal Sparks; Jenna Morasca; Toccara; Donna d'Errico.
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Some Shows Airing Outside of Primetime
adult swim
  • Murdering Outside the Box
    11:45 pm - 12:00 am
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